WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world.
It’s free, open-source software that has been around since 2003 and has become an integral part of every website owner’s toolkit.
This post will show you how to get started with your own WordPress blog on any hosting plan you choose – whether that means installing it yourself or using an automated installer service like WPEngineer.
In this post, we will see how to create and publish a WordPress blog
To get started with the blog (How to build a WordPress Blog), you’ll need to create a WordPress site.
If you already have a domain name and hosting plan, then this will be straightforward.
If not, then there are many hosting providers that offer free trials so that you can see if they’re right for your needs before committing to them long-term.
Once we’ve got our domain set up and we’ve chosen an appropriate hosting plan (we recommend Bluehost), it’s time to install WordPress on the server.
This process varies depending on the type of server being used but in general it involves downloading software from one of their sites along with other necessary files.
Such as themes or plugins for certain functionality such as video embedding or commenting systems like Disqus .
Once everything is installed properly then we just need an account with them once again before going forward!
Step:1 Choosing a Domain name
Choose a domain name that’s easy to remember.
Choose a short and memorable domain name.
Choose a relevant and unique domain name for your blog.
Make sure that you choose one that isn’t too long or difficult to type in by hand.
(e.g., “example-blog”). You can check whether the domain is available by doing an online search for it, then seeing if there are any other websites using it as their URL (e.g., google “example-blog”).
Read- How to Build a Website with Hostinger
Step:2 Choosing Hosting plan
Choosing hosting plan is the space your website will occupy on a server. There are many types of hosting plans, but each one comes with different features and price tags.
A shared hosting plan allows multiple websites to share the same physical server.
This means that if you’re using a shared hosting plan, it’s possible for other sites on your server to be accessing files and resources from yours (theoretically).
If this happens too often or continuously throughout the day then performance can slow down significantly as more people try to access data at once.
Dedicated servers offer an isolated environment for each individual site hosted on them — meaning no one else can use any part of their resources unless they’re specifically authorized by their owner(s).
This type of setup makes it much easier to manage since there aren’t any external factors affecting how fast things get done.
However due diligence should still be taken into account before committing significant amounts of money into anything like this because even though these services may seem cheaper upfront (and sometimes even free).
Long term costs could end up being higher than expected due mostly because most providers charge extra fees based off usage levels/traffic volumes across all sites hosted under one account over time period without fail.”
Here, I would like to recommended you Hostinger hosting, for the following reasons.
Step:3 Installing WordPress
Now that you have a WordPress installation, it’s time to add some content. To do this, you’ll need to install themes or plugins and then add some content.
- Install themes
- Install plugins
- Add content
Learn more in detail- How to Install WordPress (Step by Step guide)
Step:4 Adding content to the blog
Now that you have a blog, the next step is to add content. There are several ways to add content to your blog:
Images- You can add images of your own or use images from other sites by linking directly back to them see [Link].
This will allow people who visit your site but don’t know anything about WordPress to view the image without clicking through all the way back into their browser.
Links- If you want other people who visit this page on WordPress’s website (aka: “staying logged in”) then they’ll be able to see these links when reading through their posts here!
They’ll also be able to click through if they’ve already visited those sites before visiting ours—like Facebook or Twitter did last week when she shared her new boyfriend with us all over again 🙂
Step:5 For a personalized interface, choose a custom theme
Choosing a theme is the most important decision you will make when building your WordPress blog. You want to choose something that matches your business and brand, as well as fits with the colors of your logo.
A good way to start is by looking at the options available in themes on ThemeForest or any other marketplace for WordPress themes. But my recommendation in Themeforest.
If there are no good choices for what you’re looking for, try searching “customized” or “one-of-a-kind” next time—these search terms will usually lead you down some rabbit holes where people have customised their themes even further than they already were!

Hub Theme (Recommended)
- Wide Range of Ready made Templates
- Easy customization
- Many customization elements and tools
Step:6 Publishing the Blog
Once your blog is live, it’s time to start publishing.
This can be a little tricky, especially if you’re new to WordPress or haven’t built a website before.
To publish your first post:
- Navigate to the Dashboard > Posts menu at the top of your screen and select “Publish Post”, or click on the green arrow icon in the bottom right corner of your screen (you’ll see this when you hover over an individual post).
- Select where you want to publish this post; by default it will go into either “Drafts” or “My Blog”.
- You can also choose whether or not this particular post should appear in search results by clicking on Options > Settings > Search engine optimization settings (this may require some additional steps depending on what kind of site you want).
- If there are no errors with your formatting then congratulations! You just published yourself into cyberspace!
In a couple of hours you can build a beautiful blog using the latest content management platform
You can build a beautiful blog in less than two hours, using the latest content management platform.
In this article we will show you how to create your own WordPress blog from scratch, and then publish it for the world to see.
There you have it! You’re now ready to publish your first WordPress blog.
Make sure to log in to the admin dashboard and check out the different options available for blogging, including how easy it is to add content.