Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)

Hostinger is a popular web hosting provider that offers a variety of hosting plans for individuals and businesses.

One way to earn money with Hostinger is through their affiliate program. In this blog post, we will cover Hostinger Affiliate Program Review and discuss how it can be a great opportunity for earning extra income.

We will cover topics such as commission rates, marketing materials, and the application process.

By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of the Hostinger affiliate program and how it can benefit you.

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What is Hostinger?

Hostinger Affiliate Program Review

Hostinger is a web hosting company that offers a variety of hosting solutions for individuals and businesses.

They have been in the industry for over a decade and have a reputation for providing high-quality services at affordable prices.

One of the main advantages of using Hostinger is their pricing.

They offer some of the most affordable hosting plans on the market.

This makes them a great option for individuals and small businesses that are looking to establish an online presence without breaking the bank.

In addition to their low prices, Hostinger also offers a wide range of hosting solutions to choose from.

They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, and even cloud hosting, so you can find the perfect plan to suit your needs.

They also offer a variety of add-ons and extras, such as domain registration and website builders, to help you get your website up and running quickly and easily.

Another advantage of Hostinger is their uptime and reliability. They guarantee a 99.9% uptime, which means that your website will be up and running almost all the time.

Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)

This is particularly important for businesses that rely on their website to generate revenue.

Hostinger also provides excellent customer service. They have a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 via live chat and email.

They also have a comprehensive knowledge base and a community forum where users can find answers to common questions and share tips and advice.

The user interface of Hostinger is user-friendly and easy to navigate. It is simple to set up your hosting account and manage your website.

They also offer a user-friendly control panel that makes it easy to manage your hosting account, including the ability to create email accounts, manage FTP users, and install popular scripts.

One of the downsides of Hostinger is that they do not offer a free domain name registration with their hosting plans.

This means that you will need to purchase a domain name separately, which can add to the overall cost of setting up your website.

In conclusion, Hostinger is a great option for those looking for affordable, reliable and user-friendly web hosting.

They offer a wide range of hosting solutions at competitive prices, and their uptime and customer service are both excellent.

While they do not offer a free domain name registration, this is a small inconvenience considering the overall value that Hostinger provides.

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NOTE: Hostinger, a web hosting company, has announced that its affiliate program is now available on Impact Radius affiliate network, in addition to its in-house affiliate program.
This means that affiliates can now choose to promote Hostinger through Impact Radius, which offers a variety of tools and resources to help them manage and track their affiliate campaigns.
The in-house program will still be available as well, providing an alternative option for those who prefer to work directly with Hostinger.
With both options available, affiliates have more flexibility and choice in how they promote Hostinger and earn commissions.

Hostinger Affiliate Program Review

Hostinger Affiliate Program

1. Introduction to Hostinger Affiliate

Hostinger is a web hosting company that offers a variety of hosting solutions for individuals and businesses.

One of the ways they generate revenue is through their affiliate program. The Hostinger affiliate program allows individuals and organizations to earn commission by promoting Hostinger’s products and services.

To become a Hostinger affiliate, you need to sign up for an account on their website.

Once you have an account, you will be given a unique affiliate link that you can share with your audience. You can share this link on your website, blog, or social media platforms.

When someone clicks on your link and purchases a Hostinger product or service, you will earn a commission.

Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)

The commission rate varies depending on the product or service that was purchased.

Hostinger offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and cloud hosting.

They also offer domain registration and website builders. As an affiliate, you can promote any of these products and services and earn commission on the sales.

One of the benefits of this affiliate program is that it is free to join. There are no sign-up fees or monthly fees.

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Additionally, Hostinger provides its affiliates with a variety of marketing materials, such as banners and text links, that can be used to promote their products and services.

This makes it easy for affiliates to start earning money right away.

2. How the Program Works

The Hostinger Affiliate is a way for individuals and businesses to earn commissions by promoting Hostinger’s web hosting services.

There are two ways to participate in the program: through the Impact Radius affiliate network or through Hostinger’s in-house affiliate program.

Impact Radius Affiliate Network: Hostinger’s affiliate program is available on Impact Radius, a third-party affiliate network.

In order to join the program, individuals and businesses must apply and be accepted by Impact Radius.

Once accepted, they can promote Hostinger’s services through unique affiliate links and banners provided by Impact Radius.

Commissions are earned when a customer clicks on the link and purchases a service.

In-House Affiliate Program: Hostinger also has its own in-house affiliate program. This program is accessible through Hostinger’s website and does not require acceptance by a third-party network.

The registration process is simple and easy. Once registered, affiliates can promote Hostinger’s services through unique affiliate links and banners provided by Hostinger.

Commissions are earned when a customer clicks on the link and purchases a service.

In both cases, affiliates can track their earnings, clicks, and conversions through a dashboard provided by the network or Hostinger.

The commission rate for Hostinger is up to 30% of the sale amount.

The program also offers lifetime commissions, meaning affiliates will earn commissions on any future purchases made by customers they refer.

To Summarize:

  • Hostinger Affiliate is available on Impact Radius and also has an In-House program.
  • Individuals and businesses can join the program and promote Hostinger’s services.
  • They will earn commission on every sale made through their unique affiliate links.
  • Commission rate is up to 40% on Impact Radius and 60% on its own affiliate dashboard of the sale amount.
  • Both programs offer lifetime commissions.

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3. How to Join and Promote

In the Hostinger Affiliate Program Review, let me also share how to join and promote the affiliate program is a straightforward process.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Visit the Hostinger website and navigate to the “Affiliates” page. Here, you will find information about the affiliate program, including commission rates and promotional materials.
  2. Click on the “Join Now” button to create an account. You will need to provide personal information, including your name and email address.
  3. Once you have created an account, your application will be reviewed, once approved, you will be taken to the affiliate dashboard. Here, you will find your unique affiliate link, as well as promotional materials such as banners and text links.
  4. You can promote Hostinger through your own website, blog, or social media channels. Use your unique affiliate link to track your referrals and earn commissions.
  5. This affiliate program is also available on Impact Radius affiliate network, you can join it by visiting the Impact Radius website, creating an account and searching for Hostinger. Once you find it, you can join the program by clicking on the “Join Program” button.
Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)

How to Promote:

  1. To promote Hostinger on Impact Radius, you can use the provided banners and text links, as well as track your referrals and earnings through the Impact Radius dashboard.
  2. Keep in mind that Hostinger also has an in-house affiliate program, which means you can join and promote directly through the Hostinger website without the need of Impact Radius.
  3. To maximize your earning potential, make sure to use a variety of promotional methods and tailor your approach to your audience. Additionally, regularly check the Hostinger Affiliates page for any new promotions or offers that you can take advantage of.
  4. You can also reach out to Hostinger’s affiliate team for any assistance or queries.

By following these steps, you can join and promote the affiliate program and start earning commissions on referrals.

4. Earning Potential

The earning potential in the Hostinger affiliate can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the traffic and conversion rate of the affiliate’s website, the pricing plans promoted, and the commission rate offered by Hostinger.

Hostinger offers a tiered commission structure, with rates 60% of the sale. The higher the affiliate’s earnings, the higher the commission rate.

Hostinger also offers a lifetime commission, meaning that affiliates will continue to earn commissions for any customer they refer, as long as the customer remains a Hostinger customer.

In terms of earning potential, it is difficult to give a specific estimate without knowing more about an individual affiliate’s website and marketing strategy.

However, some successful affiliates have reported earning thousands of dollars per month through the program.

To maximize earning potential, affiliates should focus on promoting Hostinger’s higher-priced plans and actively market their affiliate links through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Hostinger Affiliate Program Review (Best To Earn $$$)

It’s also important to create high-quality content that educates potential customers about Hostinger’s services and highlights the benefits of choosing Hostinger over other web hosting providers.

Overall, the earning potential in this affiliate offer can be significant, but it requires hard work and dedication to achieve.

The more effort an affiliate puts into promoting Hostinger and converting visitors into customers, the more they can expect to earn.

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5. Marketing Materials and Tools

Hostinger affiliate program provides a variety of marketing materials and tools to help affiliates promote Hostinger products and services effectively. These materials and tools include:

  1. Banners: Hostinger provides a wide range of banner ads in different sizes, colors and designs to match your website’s look and feel. These banners can be easily integrated into your website, and you can track their performance in your affiliate dashboard.
  2. Landing pages: Hostinger provides pre-designed landing pages that are optimized for conversion. These landing pages have been tested and proven to convert visitors into customers, making it easier for you to promote Hostinger products and services.
  3. Affiliate links: Hostinger provides unique affiliate links that track your referrals. You can use these links in your website, social media posts, email campaigns, or anywhere else to promote Hostinger products and services.
  4. Affiliate dashboard: Hostinger provides an affiliate dashboard that allows you to track your earnings, referrals, and conversions. You can also access detailed reports and analytics to see how your campaigns are performing.

To use these marketing materials and tools effectively, you should follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right marketing materials: Based on your audience and the type of content you are creating, select the most appropriate marketing materials to use.
  2. Customize the materials: Make sure to customize the marketing materials to fit your brand and target audience. Add your logo, change colors and fonts, and make other adjustments to make the materials feel like they belong to your brand.
  3. Integrate the materials into your website: Make sure to integrate the marketing materials into your website so that they are visible to your visitors. You can place banners on the top or bottom of your pages, include links in your content, or use other methods to promote Hostinger products and services.
  4. Track your performance: Use the affiliate dashboard to track your earnings, referrals, and conversions. Use the data to optimize your campaigns and improve your results over time.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the marketing materials and tools provided by its affiliate to promote Hostinger products and services and earn commissions for your referrals.

6. Performance tracking & reporting of Hostinger Affiliate

Hostinger Affiliate Program allows affiliates to earn a commission by promoting Hostinger’s web hosting services to their audience.

The program provides affiliates with a range of tracking and reporting tools to help them monitor their performance and earnings.

Performance Tracking: The affiliate program provides a dashboard to track clicks, conversions, and earnings.

This dashboard provides real-time data and allows affiliates to see how many clicks their referrals are generating and the resulting commissions.

Affiliates can also track their referral history and see the status of their referrals, such as approved or pending.

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Reporting: Hostinger’s Affiliate Program provides detailed reports on affiliate performance. These reports include information on clicks, conversions, earnings, and other important metrics.

Affiliates can access these reports at any time to see how their promotions are performing and identify areas for improvement.

The reports are easy to understand and provide valuable insights into affiliate performance.

Payouts: Hostinger’s Affiliate Program offers competitive commission rates and pays affiliates monthly.

Affiliates can choose to receive their payouts via PayPal or bank transfer. The program also offers a referral bonus program, where affiliates can earn additional rewards for referring new affiliates to the program.

In conclusion, Hostinger’s Affiliate Program provides affiliates with the tools and resources they need to track and monitor their performance.

The program’s performance tracking and reporting features help affiliates make informed decisions and optimize their promotions to maximize earnings.

7. Payment and Withdrawal options

Hostinger Affiliate Program provides several payment and withdrawal options for its affiliates to receive their earnings.

The following are the options available to affiliates:

  1. PayPal: PayPal is the most popular and widely used payment method for affiliates. Affiliates can link their PayPal account to their Hostinger affiliate account and receive their earnings directly in their PayPal account.
  2. Bank Transfer: Affiliates can also choose to receive their earnings via bank transfer. They will need to provide their bank account details, including the account number, routing number, and SWIFT code, to receive their payments.

The minimum payout threshold for Hostinger affiliates is $100 (PayPal) and $500 (Bank Trnasfer), which means affiliates must earn at least $100 or $500 before they can request a payout.

It’s important to note that Hostinger reserves the right to hold payments for 45 days if there are any discrepancies in the affiliate’s account or if the affiliate has engaged in any fraudulent activity.

In such cases, the affiliate will need to resolve the issue before they can receive their earnings.

8. Tips & Tricks for Maximizing Earnings

Here are some tips for maximizing earnings from this affiliate offer:

  1. Promote Hostinger on relevant websites and platforms: Focus on promoting Hostinger on websites and platforms that are relevant to your audience. For example, if you run a blog about website design, then promoting Hostinger on your blog would be an excellent idea.
  2. Use eye-catching banners and links: Hostinger provides a range of eye-catching banners and links that you can use to promote their services. Make sure to use these materials on your website or blog.
  3. Offer incentives to your audience: Offering incentives to your audience can be a great way to increase the number of clicks on your Hostinger affiliate links. For example, you could offer a discount or a free trial to anyone who signs up for Hostinger through your affiliate link.
  4. Write blog posts or articles about Hostinger: Writing detailed blog posts or articles about Hostinger can help you to attract more clicks on your affiliate links. Make sure to include your affiliate link in your articles so that people can sign up for Hostinger directly from your website.
  5. Use social media to promote Hostinger: Social media is a great way to reach a large audience and promote Hostinger. Share your affiliate links on your social media accounts, and don’t forget to use eye-catching graphics and descriptions to grab people’s attention.
  6. Monitor your affiliate dashboard: Make sure to regularly monitor your Hostinger affiliate dashboard to track your earnings and see which promotions are working best. This will help you to adjust your strategy and maximize your earnings.
  7. Promote Hostinger’s value proposition: Highlight the benefits of Hostinger’s services, such as their reliable uptime, excellent customer support, and affordable prices. This will help to convince people to sign up for Hostinger through your affiliate link.

9. Pros and Cons


  • Hostinger pays up to 60% commission on each sale made through an affiliate link, making it one of the highest paying affiliate programs in the hosting industry.
  • It offers a range of hosting services, from shared hosting to cloud hosting and VPS, allowing affiliates to promote a variety of products to their audience.
  • Affiliates receive their commissions on a monthly basis, ensuring a steady stream of income.
  • Hostinger affiliate dashboard is easy to navigate, allowing affiliates to track their earnings, referral links, and commissions with ease.
  • It also provides its affiliates with a range of marketing tools, including banners, landing pages, and email templates, that can be customized to fit their website and target audience.
  • It has a large and supportive community of affiliates who are always ready to help and provide advice, making it easier for new affiliates to succeed.


  • Hostinger has a minimum payout threshold of $100, which may take some time to reach for affiliates with low traffic.
  • It currently only offers payments through PayPal, which may not be convenient for some affiliates.

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10. Affiliate Support

Hostinger’s affiliate program provides top-notch support to its affiliates to ensure their success.

The support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions or resolve any issues affiliates may have.

They offer several support options to ensure that affiliates receive the help they need, whenever they need it.

One of the support options is email support. Affiliates can send an email to the support team and receive a prompt response.

The support team is knowledgeable and trained to provide effective solutions to any questions or issues affiliates may have.

They understand the importance of responding quickly to affiliate inquiries, and strive to provide a solution in a timely manner.

In addition to email support, Hostinger provides a comprehensive knowledge base for affiliates.

The knowledge base contains information on various topics, such as how to promote Hostinger products, how to track and report referrals, and how to receive commissions.

The knowledge base is regularly updated to ensure that affiliates have access to the most up-to-date information.

Hostinger’s affiliate program also provides regular updates and promotional materials to help affiliates effectively promote Hostinger products.

This includes banners, email templates, and other marketing materials that affiliates can use to promote Hostinger services.

The affiliate dashboard provides real-time tracking and reporting on referral activities, including clicks, conversions, and commissions.

This makes it easy for affiliates to monitor their progress and adjust their marketing strategies as needed.

In conclusion, the Affiliate Support of Hostinger’s affiliate program is designed to help affiliates succeed.

With comprehensive support options, regular updates, promotional materials, real-time tracking and reporting, high commission rates, and flexible payment options, Hostinger’s affiliate program is an excellent choice for affiliates looking to earn a significant income through affiliate marketing.

FAQ’s on Hostinger Affiliate Program Review:

1. How much commission can I earn

The commission rate starts at 30% and goes up to 60% for top-performing affiliates. The exact rate depends on the number of referrals and the revenue generated by them.

2. What marketing materials are available to promote Hostinger’s services?

Hostinger provides a wide range of marketing materials, including banners, links, and text ads. They also provide customized marketing materials upon request.

3. Is there a minimum payout amount?

No, there is no minimum payout amount. Affiliates can request a payout as soon as they reach their first dollar in earnings.

4. How and when will I receive my earnings?

Earnings are paid out on a monthly basis, via PayPal or Bank transfer.

5. Can I promote Hostinger’s services through my blog or website?

Yes, promoting Hostinger’s services through your blog or website is a great way to earn commission.

6. Can I participate in the program if I’m not based in the United States?

Yes, the Hostinger Affiliate Program is open to affiliates worldwide.

7. Is there a limit to the number of referrals I can make?

No, there is no limit to the number of referrals you can make. The more referrals you make, the higher your earning potential.

8. Is there a time limit for earning commission from referrals?

No, there is no time limit for earning commission from referrals. As long as the referred customer remains a Hostinger customer, the affiliate continues to earn commission on their hosting plan.

9. Can I participate in other affiliate programs while participating in Hostinger’s program?

Yes, you can participate in 70 while also participating in Hostinger’s program.

10. Are there any restrictions on how I can promote Hostinger’s services?

Yes, there are some restrictions on how you can promote Hostinger’s services. The company has strict policies against spamming and other unethical marketing practices.

Wrapping up the Article

Let us wrap up the article on Hostinger Affiliate Program Review, this affiliate program is an exceptional opportunity for anyone looking to earn money through promoting web hosting services.

With its competitive commission rates, a vast range of marketing materials, and 24/7 support, it’s one of the most comprehensive and lucrative affiliate programs in the web hosting industry.

It offers a great earning potential for bloggers, marketers, influencers, and anyone who has a platform to reach potential customers.

The commission rate, is 60% for all affiliates, makes it an attractive option for those looking to monetize their platform.

Furthermore, Hostinger’s user-friendly dashboard and real-time reporting system make it easy to track your earnings and monitor your performance.

The company also provides its affiliates with a dedicated support team to help with any questions or issues that may arise.

In summary, if you’re looking for a reliable and profitable affiliate program to promote web hosting services, Hostinger’s program is definitely worth considering.

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