28+ Best Instant Approval Affiliate Programs

As you already know that there are multiple Affiliate Marketing programs. In order to those affiliate programs, you need to join them by taking their approval.

There are some programs that review your application to join and there is also some kind of affiliate programs that don’t review your application and give you instant approval.

So, if you are a beginner, then I am sure that you may be finding difficulties in getting approved by some affiliate networks or programs.

Don’t worry,

Here in this article, I am going to tell you about 28+ Instant Approval Affiliate Programs, which you can easily join and can promote to make money online.

So to know those best auto-approval offers or networks, all you need to do is simply follow up with this awesome piece of content and I am sure that you will learn a lot many things.

Along with the affiliate programs, I will try to share with you some affiliate marketing strategies that I have experienced and you can also gain benefits from those strategies or tips.

Why you should read this post?

  • Will get 28+ affiliate offers with Instant approval
  • Beginners guide to start affiliate marketing
  • Will also get proven affiliate marketing strategies

What are Instant Approval offers?


Before discussing those programs, first, let us understand that what is the meaning of Instant approval offers.

Now, If you have applied to some affiliate offers, then your application may have gone under review and these types of offers are not instant approval, instead, they will review your application.

But, you may also have applied to some kind of program, that gives you instant access to its affiliates dashboard, which means that you are approved instantly.

Hence, these types of offers are instant approval or auto approval offers.

Now, it tike to reveal those best 28+ affiliate programs with you, so that you too can take advantage of it and can make your own career in the affiliate marketing business.

List of 28+ Instant Approval Affiliate Programs:


  • The programs mentioned below are arranged randomly
  • The program details may be changed by the brands in future

Our Recommendation: Bright Data Affiliate Program

As an affiliate of Bright Data, you have the opportunity to earn significant commissions by promoting the #1 web data and proxy provider.

Bright Dataunique commission structure allows for flexibility and customization to meet your needs, and with a 50% revenue share of up to $2.5K per customer, you can enjoy some of the highest payouts in the industry.

Plus, with fast payouts within 30 days, you won’t have to wait long to see the financial benefits of your efforts. Joining the Bright Data affiliate program is quick and easy, with a simple sign-up process that takes just seconds.

Once you’re a member, you’ll have access to a platform that allows you to track your affiliate traffic with total transparency. You’ll also be paired with a Personal Account Manager to support your progress and success.

But what really sets Bright Data apart is its top-quality product. As the category leader in web data and proxy, our service sells itself, making it easy for your referrals to turn into customers. To help you with your marketing efforts, we provide access to links, marketing materials, reports, and anything else you need to succeed as an affiliate.

So why wait? Sign up with Bright Data today and start earning more with the best commissions in the industry.

Join Bright Data Affiliate Program Now

1. Cloudways

Hosting Services Provider

Cloudways offers an enticing affiliate program, allowing both individuals and businesses to tap into the thriving web hosting industry.

This program stands out for several compelling reasons, making it a favored choice among affiliates seeking to monetize their online presence.

Foremost, Cloudways provides its affiliates with a highly competitive commission structure.

Affiliates have the potential to earn up to $125 per sale, with the possibility of earning even more based on the volume of referrals they generate.

This generous commission rate ensures that affiliates are duly rewarded for their efforts in promoting Cloudways’ hosting services.

Moreover, Cloudways’ affiliate program boasts an intuitive dashboard that allows affiliates to effortlessly track their referrals and earnings in real-time.

This user-friendly interface simplifies the affiliate experience, ensuring transparency and ease of management.

The program goes a step further by equipping affiliates with an array of marketing materials, including banners and customizable tracking links.

These resources empower affiliates to craft compelling content and effectively drive traffic to Cloudways’ services, further enhancing their earning potential.

Additionally, Cloudways’ web hosting affiliate program is fortified by the reputation of a trusted brand known for its high-performance hosting solutions, exceptional customer support, and global presence in data centers.

This sterling reputation translates into higher conversion rates and instills greater trust in potential customers, thereby augmenting the earning prospects for affiliates.

In conclusion, Cloudways’ affiliate program presents a lucrative opportunity for individuals and businesses eager to promote top-tier web hosting services.

With its competitive commissions, user-friendly dashboard, and the backing of a strong brand reputation, it offers the potential for substantial earnings to those who choose to promote Cloudways’ hosting solutions.


  • Per Sale- $125
  • Network available- In-house
  • Cookies- 90 days

2. Commission Junction

Affiliate Marketing Network

Commission Junction is one of the best and beginners friendly affiliate marketplaces that has a very large network of multiple brands or advertisers and affiliates.

Joining commission is very easy and in order to set up and activate the affiliate account, you need to do some hard work.

As there are some steps that you need to complete properly so that you can activate the account.

After activating it, you are ready to make money with commission junction, and now all you need to do is simply find out some best and high paying affiliate offers so that you can join them.

Now, after joining, you need to promote the affiliate links of those advertisers. You can promote those links on your websites, to increase your website’s revenue.

CJ dashboard is very simple and easy to navigate and hence it is considered the best network for all beginners who are new to this industry. as they can easily earn money.

Watch video on Commission Junction

Network Info

  • Payment mode- Direct Bank transfer or others
  • Payment Frequency- 30 days
  • Threshold- $50

3. ClickBank

Affiliate Marketing Marketplace

ClickBank is also one o the biggest and very famous affiliate marketplaces, where there are many products that you can promote to make a commission.

The products that are listed on the ClickBank are offering very high commissions such as up to 70%, 80% and also there are some products that are offering you up to 100% commission. That’s really great!

In order to promote any product of ClickBank, you don’t need to take any approval, all you need to do is simply pick the affiliate link of that particular product and then start promoting it.

The more you promote the more you earn from this best marketplace.

This network is recommended by almost all the big affiliate marketers, as it is giving you instant approval, hence a beginner doesn’t need a website to get approved.

With the help of ClickBank, you really start your own online career by following some easy steps to become successful.

Watch video on ClickBank

Network Info

  • Payment mode- Direct Bank transfer & others
  • Payment Frequency- 7 or 15 days
  • Threshold- $10

4. Digistore24

Affiliate Network

Digistore24 is the biggest alternative to ClickBank. As there are many similarities in both affiliate networks.

On Digistore24, there are also many products, that need to be promoted by the affiliates.

It takes hardly a few minutes to join this awesome network.

So, all you need to do is simply pick the affiliate links of those products and then start creating content to promote those products.

If you don’t want to promote by creating content, then all you can do is paid advertising, as this method can also give you much better results.

But, after all, it depends on you, whether you want to use paid methods or free methods to market the products which are listed on this network.

On this network, you are going to get up to 85% commission and I think that this is a high paying affiliate network.

If you consistently work on this platform, then I am sure that you can really make money online with the help of this biggest marketplace.

Watch video on Digistore

Network Info

  • Payment mode- Direct Bank transfer or others
  • Payment Frequency- 7-15 days
  • Threshold- €50

5. WarriorPlus

Affiliate Marketplace

WarriorPlus is also an affiliate marketing network that has a very good network of vendors and affiliates.

there are some vendors on WarriorPlus, that list their products or services to be promoted by the affiliates.

And affiliates like us, pick the affiliate links of those products and promote them to earn a large amount of commission.

In order to promote a particular product, all you need to do is to apply or request to that vendor who has listed that product.

The commission you will get on each product is very high, you can earn up to 80%-90% per sale of each item and hence this is the best part I like about this platform.

It is for sure very easy to join this platform, as it is free to sign up and after this, you can start working on this platform to make big.

Watch video on Warrior Plus

Network Info

  • Payment mode- PayPal or others
  • Payment Frequency- Instantly
  • Threshold- $15

6. Rakuten

Affiliate Marketplace

Rakuten is an affiliate network and is a big alternative to commission junction.

It also has a good network of advertisers as well as affiliates. Advertisers listed their offers on this platform and affiliates join those to promote and then earn from this network.

Understanding and working on Rakuten is as simple as a, b, c, d. You need to first join and you will get instant access to your dashboard, from where you can check your daily analytics of earnings.

In order to make big on this platform, firstly, you need to understand it in a better way, then you need to find those offers that you find easy to promote and has a high commission.

By doing this, you can easily earn more and can also become a master of Rakuten. This is also an affiliate network for all beginners as well as advanced.

Network Info

  • Payment mode- Direct Bank transfer or others
  • Payment Frequency- 60 days
  • Threshold- $50

7. Bluehost.com

Web Hosting Provider

Bluehost is the other best affiliate program for which you don’t need any kind of approval.

It is one o the top leading web hosting platform, with over 2 million websites hosted on it.

In order to promote Bluehost web hosting, all you need to do is to join and then after joining it for free, you need to promote this platform.

As you all know that promoting a web hosting affiliate offer is very easy because it has a broad audience, which means that you can simply target those audiences who want to purchase hosting.

Bluehost brand is also very famous in the online industry and hence you don’t need to explain about this service to the people, therefore, it becomes easy for you to earn from it.

It is paying a good amount of commission to its affiliates, but the commission is a fixed one time commission for a sale.

Let me also make you aware that this offer is of Bluehost.com and not of Bluehost.in. In order to join the affiliate program of Bluehost.in, you first need to join the Impact Radius affiliate network.


  • Per Sale- $65
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $100
  • Cookies- 90 days

8. GetResponse

Email Marketing Service

GetResponse is the other best Instant Approval Affiliate Programs and also one of the highest paying affiliate offers.

I am sure that you may be knowing about GetResponse, but let me tell you something about it for those who are not aware of this website.

It is one of the best email marketing service providers on the internet. With the help of this tool, one can easily send bulk emails to its email list and can grow his business or website.

It is mostly used by those people who have their emails list of their subscribers or by small and medium-sized businesses.

Along with this, it also has an amazing affiliate program, which is one of my favourites, as it is giving a very high payout for each sale.

Along with this, this affiliate offer is also providing you with some best marketing materials such as email templates, banners, text ads etc, hence you can take the help of these materials to promote it.

It basically has two offers, one gives you $100 fixed commission (per sale) and the other one gives you a 33% Recurring commission.


  • Per Sale- $100
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $100
  • Cookies- 120 days

9. Rocket.net

WordPress Hosting Provider

Rocket.net is another popular and high paying web hosting affiliate program that offers you instant access to its links, banners etc.

It is one of the most popular WordPress hosting providers and it has a good customer review.

Along with the other hosting offers, this offer is also very easy to understand and promote. There are multiple ways through which you can easily promote this interesting offer.

In order to earn from this program, you need to first become its affiliate member, which hardly takes 2 minutes and then after this, you will get an easy and simple dashboard, where you can easily track your clicks, commission etc.

The marketing materials that are provided by Rocket.net affiliates are very attractive that will help you attract the visitor’s mind.

You can join this on its individual network, but if you are working on the ShareASale affiliate marketing network then let me tell you that you can also join this offer on ShareASale also.

But, there you need to get approved by this program, so I don’t think so it would be a better option.


  • Per Sale- $150
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Cookies- 60 days

10. Fiverr

Biggest Freelancing Marketplace

I must say that the Fiverr affiliate program is one of my favourite affiliate programs and an affiliate program without approval, as it is so simple to join, understand and work on.

As you all are aware that Fiverr is one of the biggest Freelancing marketplaces, which has a large network of those who want to work as a freelancer and those who want to hire a freelancer for their works.

So, if you want to be a freelancer, then I should recommend that you should join Fiverr first, as is it very easy to earn from Fiverr, as compared to other freelancing platforms.

But, let us discuss the affiliate program of Fiverr, which is amazing. The commission structure of Fiverr depends on the service you sell.

As you know that there are multiple services or gigs on Fiverr such as data entry, content writer, social media management, graphic designing etc.

Hence, you will get a commission based on the service that has been sold through your affiliate link.

Inside the Fiverr dashboard, there are many features of which you can take advantage and can increase your revenue.


  • Per Sale- $15-$150
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $100
  • Cookies- 30 days

11. Tagembed

Social media aggregator

Tagembed is one of the prominent social media aggregators that helps users in collecting social media feed from 20+ social media platforms, allowing them to curate and customize the collected feed, and eventually display them on the website with ease.

The affiliate program from Tagembed provides you the chance to earn a commission as high as 30% every month.

Whenever your referral signs up for paid plans. The recurring commission payment plan makes this program great.

To be part of their affiliate marketing program, all you need to do is sign up for free; they will provide you with the links and materials.

Then you can easily promote the link to your customers. Moreover, it also assists you with training and support.

The product is impressive and easily sellable; their payment process is faultless, and it provides you with recurring payments.


  • Per Sale- 30%
  • Payment frequency- 30 days
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $100

12. Amazon Associates

Biggest E-commerce website

Amazon is the biggest affiliate program for beginners and also for pro affiliates.

You may have heard from the big affiliate marketers or have read some blogs on Google about the best affiliate programs in the world.

There you have seen Amazon Associates in the top results, this is because it has millions of products to promote.

It is the most trustworthy affiliate program and hence all people trust this platform easily.

It is also one of the Instant approval affiliate programs, so all you need to do is simply sign up for this program and then pick links to promote.

In order to activate your affiliate account of Amazon, you need to generate at least 3 sales in the last 180 days and I don’t think so that it is a big mast for you.

On this platform, there are mainly physical products and hence you can target broad audiences and this is the reason that this offer is the easiest offer to promote.

Let me also tell you that I already have an Amazon affiliate blog, where I share content related to some physical products.

Hence, if you are going to promote the Amazon affiliate program by making a website, then I am sure that you too can make a good amount of money.


  • Per Sale- 0.2%-10%
  • Per Lead- 0
  • Network available- Amazon Associates
  • Threshold- $10
  • Cookies- 24 hours

13. Amazon Audible

Best Audiobook service

By the name of this particular program, you can make out that this offer is something related to Amazon, yes, you are right.

Amazon Audible is a platform from where you can get an audio version of ebooks available on that platform.

As you know that people love to listen to books in the form of audio and hence this is the best and growing platform.

It has a unique affiliate program that is available inside the dashboard of Amazon Associates. So, don’t need to join separately to get affiliate links for this offer.

All you need to do is simply log in to your Amazon Associates dashboard and there you will find an option of Amazon Bounty Programs (under the navigation bar).

This offer is very easy to promote as it has a very broad audience. I mean you can target anyone who is interested in ebooks or listen to ebooks in audio form.

It pays its affiliates for each trial made through its affiliate links and this may be a reason that it is a good instant approval affiliate offer.

Hence, you can pick those affiliate links to promote and the commission will come in the same Amazon associates dashboard.

Watch video on Amazon Audible


  • Per Sale- $0
  • Per Trial- $5
  • Network available- Amazon Associates
  • Threshold- $10
  • Cookies- 24 hours

14. Groove

CRM and Marketing Platform

Actually early it was Groovefunnels but now it is only Groove.

Groove is one of the best platforms for all digital marketers, where they can easily create an email campaign, e-commerce websites, funnels, landing pages, websites, blogs, kart etc.

So, with the help of this powerful all in one tool, it becomes easy for one to mane his online business.

It also comes with an awesome affiliate program that is giving you a recurring commission and hence you can generate a lifetime revenue from this offer.

In order to become its affiliates, either you can join direct (follow the above button) or you can create a free account of Groove and get access to its affiliates dashboard.

The best part I like about this offer is that it is providing you with attractive and multiple forms of marketing materials, such as blog articles, video reviews, banners and links etc.

Hence, promoting this program becomes easy because this is really a useful tool and even I use this tool for my online works.


  • Per Sale- 40% (Recurring)
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Threshold- $50
  • Network available- Individual
  • cookies- Lifetime

15. Namecheap

Web Hosting Service

Namecheap is one of the oldest and leading web hosting service providers worldwide.

All those beginners who are looking for the best and cheap hosting can come over here to purchase its service.

Like other hosting affiliates, it also has a big affiliate program which is giving you instant approval to promote and earn.

This particular affiliate offer is available on the 3 big affiliate networks and those are ShareASale, Commission Junction and Impact Radius.

But, if you want instant approval, then you need to go on ShareASale and Commission Junction, as on Impact they will review your application.

Along with the web hosting commission, you will also get a commission for a domain sale and you know that there are many people who are looking for the domain name.

So, this offer can be a great help for you to increase your online earnings.


  • Per Sale- 20%-35%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- ShareASale/Commission Junction
  • Threshold- $50
  • Cookies- 30 days

16. Tubebuddy

YouTube SEO Tool

I am pretty sure that you all are aware of this Tubebuddy platform.

It is basically a chrome extension that helps you to do SEO of your YouTube videos. With the help of this extension, you can also take out ideas for our upcoming videos, isn’t it great.

It is mostly used by YouTubers as they want this type of tool to help them in growing their YouTube channel by increasing their views on videos.

Along with the free version, it also has paid version, so all you need to do is simply target only YouTubers and promote this tool in order to make commissions.

It is also one of the most famous and simple affiliate offers, as its dashboard is very easy to use and navigate.

All you need to do is become its affiliate member to make money online in the affiliate marketing business.


  • Per Sale- Up to 50% (Recurring)
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $10
  • Cookies- 365 days

17. VidIQ

YouTube SEO and Growth Tool

VidIQ is the biggest alternative to Tubebuddy and also one of the best Instant Approval Affiliate Programs. Both of these tools are the same.

It is also a very helpful tool that helps you to improve the ranking of your videos by doing its SEO and it also helps in the content suggestion.

Like Tubebuddy, it also has its own affiliate programs and the best part about this offer is that it has levels of affiliates and based on this your commission percentage will increase.

Hence, it is going to be very interesting for you.

Promoting VidIq is not going to be difficult and in fact, it is very easy, as you know that VidIQ is a very famous tool and you may have heard from many YouTubers that if you are a creator then you should use VidIQ.

Hence, its brand value has already been created on the internet and this makes your work easier.


  • Per Sale- 15%-25%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual

18. Survey Junkie

Survey Taking Website

Before telling you about the offer of Survey Junkie, let me tell you about this platform.

Survey Junkie is a survey website, where many people take surveys and they are getting paid for doing this.

As you know that there are multiple survey websites and but this one is one of the most famous websites in its industry.

It also has an affiliate program, which is available on the ShareASale marketplace.

Basically, it has 3 affiliate offers, but one of those 3 is not giving you instant access to its links but the other two does.

This is one of those 2 offers which you giving you a very high amount of commission only for a lead and not for sale, as there is nothing to sell.

So, it is also known as one of the best CPA offers and many CPA offers are not giving you instant approval. Hence, it is your opportunity to earn from it, so don’t try to miss this.


  • Per Sale- $0
  • Per Lead- $2
  • Network available- ShareASale
  • Threshold- $50

19. Survey Junkie 2

Survey Taking Website

As I told you above, that Survey Junkie has 3 offers and 2 of them deserve to be included in this valuable article.

So, this one is the 2nd CPA or affiliate offer that is also giving you a good payout for a single lead made through your affiliate links.

But, the process of a valid lead is different from the previous one and this makes a difference in both of them.

The website is the same, the network on which it is available is the same, only the offer is different as here you will get a different payout.

But, after all, it is a survey CPA offer, so it would be very easy for you to promote it to generate more income.


  • Per Sale- $0
  • Per Lead- $15
  • Network available- ShareASale
  • Threshold- $100

20. GlowHost

Hosting Service

GlowHost is simply a web hosting and domain name provider. There are thousands of web hosting services, but this is one of the most popular ones.

The hosting services or domain provided by this platform are good and hence it becomes easier for you to do its marketing.

Let me tell you that this is one of the highest paying affiliate marketing programs that pay a high payout to its affiliates.

In order to join its affiliate program, you need to first come on the ShareASale and then search for this merchant, I mean offer.

To promote this platform in a better way, you can have a look at its main website and can take ideas about the features and quality of this platform.

This is my personal strategies and I am sharing this with you so that you too can take advantage of it.


  • Per Sale- Up to $125
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- ShareASale
  • Threshold- $50
  • Cookies- 90 days

Logo Design Service

48Hourslogo is a logo designing serve.

You may have heard and use Wix.com. It is also one of the best platforms to design a logo for your business or a website.

But, this platform is something different from Wix. As here you simply need to post your logo design project and get your logo designed.

You may call this website a Designcrowd alternative, as there also you need to post a project and get work done.

As you all know that every day, many websites are made and all those websites need a custom logo for the branding and hence it is very easy for us to promote this service of logo designing.

Hence, you are going to get many sales as it is very high converting.

The commission of this offer depends on the sales you are bringing to them, but don’t worry you will get a good commission.


  • Per Sale- $20
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- ShareASale

22. CleanEmail

Bulk Email Cleaner

This term may be new for you but let me make it easy for you.

Clean Email is a type of tool that helps you to clean and manage your email inbox, by removing some spam emails, newsletter emails or other ones.

By doing this, you can easily keep your email inbox clean.

It is also one of those Instant Approval Affiliate Programs and has its own affiliate offer, which is very much famous on the Impact Radius marketplace.

Yes, this offer is available on the Impact network, so all you need to do is to join Impact first, then instantly take its approval.

They will not review your application and will you instant approval so that you can pick links to promote them.


  • Per Sale- 40%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Impact Radius
  • Threshold- $10
  • Cookies- 30 days

23. Affiliate Booster

WordPress Theme & Plugin for Affiliates

Affiliate Booster is one of the best WordPress themes as well as a plugin, which is mainly designed for affiliate marketing.

I am proud to say that I am using this theme in this website and you can see the layout and designs of my website, which is pretty good, right?

Along with the theme, I am also using the plugin of Affiliate booster to increase my sales.

Promoting a WP theme or a WP plugin is not difficult and hence, you could easily promote this on your website.

The affiliate program is without approval, so you don’t need to do much hard work to join it.

If I talk about the commission structure, then let me tell you that being a theme affiliate, is giving you a good amount of commission to generate good revenue.

One thing, I must say that the dashboard is amazing, things are very easy to manage and navigate.

So, if you have a website, then I highly recommend you to use this theme, as it is recommended by me.


  • Per Sale- 30%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Cookies- Lifetime

24. SeoToolAdda

Group Tool Provider

You may be aware of some big, popular and expensive tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush etc.

SEOToolAdda is a Group Tool platform that provides you with these tools at a very cheap price with some limited features.

It also has other tools such as Canva, Keywordtool.io, Skillshare, Moz, Quetext etc.

Hence, it becomes easier for a beginner to use those valuable tools at a cheap price so that they can do their works properly and grow them.

For joining its affiliate offer, you don’t need to go over any affiliate network.

So all you need to do is simply, sign up for free over this website and there you will be able to see the affiliates section from where you can pick your links.

There was a time when I use to use this platform regularly and my experience with it was great.

Hence, it is a popular platform to be promoted, in order to make a commission.


  • Per Sale- 20%-40%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual

25. MilesWeb

Cheapest Web Hosting Service

MilesWeb is a platform that is offering you a budget-friendly web hosting service so that one can start his online career at a low cost.

It is one of the oldest and good service providers, hence one can easily trust it by seeing its services and works.

The affiliate program of this program is giving you up to $265 per sale and that’s great.

So, if you are going to pick this offer and promote it, then I am sure that you can start earning from this quickly, as it is also very high converting.

For this, you simply need to join it, pick its links and promote the products such as shared hosting, cPanel hosting, WordPress hosting etc.


  • Per Sale- $3-$265
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $30
  • Cookies- 365 days

26. DomainRacer

Cheapest Web Hosting Provider

I should say that DomainRacer is a hosting platform that is offering much better service as compared to other cheap hosting services.

You may call DomainRacer as an alternative to MilesWeb or other cheap hosting services, as it is providing you all those services that a beginner need to start his website.

Though it is one of the cheapest affiliate offers, its affiliate offer is high paying as is it giving you up to 70% commission per sale.

Hence, it is a very good opportunity for you to make big in affiliate marketing.


  • Per Sale- 30%-70%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Threshold- $50

27. Web Hosting Pad

Hosting & Website Builder

Like all other website builders or hosting providers, this Web Hosting Pad is also popular and trustworthy, which is providing its best service.

It provides Domain names, Shared hosting Reseller hosting, VPS hosting etc and along with this it also provides a website builder service.

Its affiliate program is available on the ShareASale network, hence you first need to go there and join this offer instantly, which means without any approval.

Its affiliate offer is also available individually, so it is upon you, where you want to join this wonderful program, either on ShareASale or individually.


  • Per Sale- $70
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- ShareASale
  • Threshold- $50

28. Pabbly

Email List Verifier

Pabbly is basically an Email Marketing service that allows you to automate your emails or send emails.

Along with this, it also provides people with multiple services relevant to it such as email verification, form builder etc.

The affiliate program of this Pabble is very good and it is paying you a recurring commission, it simply means that with this offer, you can set your lifetime earnings.

Hence, joining and earning from this is going to be very easy for you.


  • Per Sale- 20%-30%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Payment method- PayPal

Email Marketing Service

Salesblink is something relevant to Pabbly, as it is also an email marketing tool that helps users to send or automate cold emails.

It also helps people to increase the conversion rate of their email marketing campaign, hence it is a useful tool.

It also has a good and famous affiliate offer, with its offer, you can earn up to $1000 per sale and I think that it is a very high payout.

Along with this high commission, you are also going to earn a recurring commission to earn a lifetime.


  • Per Sale- 20% Recurring, up to $1000
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual
  • Payment method- PayPal/Wire Transfer

30. Referral Candy

Marketing Tool

Referral Candy is one of the best marketing tools, that helps a person to increase the sales of their business or something else.

One case easily integrates this tool with other tools such as Woo-commerce, Shopify, Bigcommerce and can use them together.

Its affiliate program is also instant approval and the best about this offer is that it takes only 10 seconds to get your affiliate link.

All you need to do is provide them with your email address.


  • Per Sale- $20
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Network available- Individual

31. BookLender

Book Lending servcie

Booklender is something different and useful service.

On Booklender, you can choose your books to read and they will deliver those books to your address and then you can keep those books with you, as long as you want.

Then, if you want to return, you can return those books to the booklender. It is as simple as this.

So, in order to earn from this useful service, you need to become its affiliate and then promote it to earn a commission.

It is available on the ShareASale network, then you need to log in to your ShareASale dashboard first.


  • Per Sale- 5%
  • Per Lead- $15
  • Network available- ShareASale
  • Threshold- $50

FAQs on Instant Approval Affiliate Programs

1. What are the Best CPA offers to promote?

There are thousands of CPA offers or Pay per lead affiliate programs that are giving you very good commission.

So, If you want to know some best CPA offers, then read further:

1. SkillShare
2. SEMrush
3. Freshbooks
4. Constant Contact
5. Sendinblue

2. Best Affiliate program without approval?

Well, this article is based on this topic. So if you are looking for the best offer without approval then let me share some with you.

1. Rocket.net
2. GetResponse
3. Bluehost
4. Fiverr
5. Amazon Associates

3. What is the highest paying affiliate program?

As you all know that there are multiple affiliate offers and some of those are paying you a very high commission, so let me share with you some of those:

1. SEMrush
2. Rocket.net
3. GetResponse
4. Bluehost
5. A2 Hosting

4. How affiliate marketers get paid?

I will answer your question in a simple way.

There are brands that have their own affiliate programs and the affiliate marketers simply promote those brands products or services and hence they get paid for each sale made through them.

Hope you have understood now.

5. Do you need a website to become an affiliate?

So, if you ask this question from me, then I must say that becoming an affiliate may not need a website but in order to earn from affiliate marketing to must need a website.

As affiliate marketing is a way to monetize your content and with this, you can easily monetise the content of your website and earn from it.


So here I would like to conclude this awesome detailed article on top affiliate programs that are giving you instant approval.

Here I have shared with you 28+ Instant Approval Affiliate Programs and all these offers are legit and converting.

So, all you need to do is to start your own affiliate marketing business by joining and promoting these offers today.

I hope that this article helped you and if you age learned something from it, then do not forget to show some love by sharing it with your networks.

If you think that I have missed any affiliate offer that should be listed in this article, then feel free to tell me by commenting below.


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